Great news, just signed another two members from the L8 community. Both feel its a real important issue to get involved in. The ladies, June and Julie, have previously been involved in a number of events and workshops around this subject.
June stated that since being involved she has realised even after running a house for thirty years she has picked up tips on how to be more energy efficient. The one she likes best is turning the thermostat down by one degree, which can save you up to seventy pounds a year. June believes that doing this has resulted in her family suffering from less coughs and colds over the winter.
Julie feels that she is already switched on to saving energy and improving efficiency around the home although she has certainly been sharing energy tips with her four children around leaving appliances on standby and switching off lights when they leave the room.
If you would like to know more about Energy Efficiency or would like to become a Energy Champion in your community please feel free to give Julie a call on 0151 734 4925 or call in to the office.