For most of us we have probably been with same supplier for years with no particular interest to change provider. There is lots of information and advice around switching but is it really worth it?
Shopping around for another supplier could save you around £200 a year, however before making the leap here are some tips to help you along the way...
1. Remember its only an estimated saving based on your current usage, if you use more than the previous year your saving will be less.
2. Double check you will not lose other discounts such as the warm home discount if you switch. Not all providers offer this scheme so its worth checking first. If you have already applied for this years warm home discount and you have not yet received it you would lose the application if you switch.
3. Check with your current provider that they are offering you the best deal, are you on the best tariff/ payment method?
4. Seek independent advice. Its always best to get independent, impartial and unbiased information!
For more information on switching you can contact your local citizens advice bureau or check websites like uswitch or Which. When switching you will a copy of your bill or annual statement.
See how much you could save!

2. Double check you will not lose other discounts such as the warm home discount if you switch. Not all providers offer this scheme so its worth checking first. If you have already applied for this years warm home discount and you have not yet received it you would lose the application if you switch.
3. Check with your current provider that they are offering you the best deal, are you on the best tariff/ payment method?
4. Seek independent advice. Its always best to get independent, impartial and unbiased information!
For more information on switching you can contact your local citizens advice bureau or check websites like uswitch or Which. When switching you will a copy of your bill or annual statement.
See how much you could save!