05 July 2018

Places and Spaces 2018- Somali Womens Group

The Somali Womens Group here on Lodge Lane was one of the first projects that the L8LS got involved in . Back in 2014 Liverpool City Council installed 3 growing beds for the centre which was soon followed by a grow your own food course, that GTDT and the L8LS project delivered.

This became our first "Field to Fork" project as the produce that was grown from the garden became the cooking ingredients  for the lunches and dinners that the ladies would cook for the elders in the community.

But as time went by the centre started to suffer financially and changes to the staff meant that the centre was not being accessed as often by the Somali community.

Last month by chance the L8LS project got chatting to a lovely volunteer at the centre ,Sahra, and she began to tell us how she would love the garden to be brought back to life. The garden had become so overgrown that the ladies could not even open the back door !

So Mike and I made a start on the back and managed to get it cleared in no time at all and already GTDT and the L8LS have started to deliver a growing courses for the ladies. They have really embraced the garden and it is lovely to see them all enjoying, sharing and growing once again.

Keep posted for more activities and how GTDT and the L8LS project will be supporting this centre.