Ho ho ho its off to Birkenhead we go!
Yesterday we went over to Birkenhead to pick up the presents from mission xmas.

We put in our application back in October and on Thursday we got the call to come and pick up the 120 gifts for the local children, but there was a bit of a snag, how were we going to get the toys from over the water? As we sat around the table working out logistics, our fairy godmother called Theresa appeared dressed in high-vis jacket "I will get you there" she says, so the following day off I went in the van with Cathy and Eugene, 2 support workers from Adelaide House.
It was certainly a mission to find the warehouse but we got there in the end and now all the gifts have been wrapped by our lovely volunteers and have been taken to Holy Family school, the Black-e and Riverview Development Trust.
Merry Christmas everyone and a big big thank you to the staff at Adelaide house who made it possible for us to get the gifts to the local children.