The last year was a year of knowledge for the Roma children. They have the opportunity to know about recycling, energy saving, about their history and culture.
In April we added to our list the Museum of Liverpool with all the great things that you can learn about Liverpool.

Was very exciting to take children for the first time to the museum and to show them a place full of knowledge and information. Some of the Roma children don’t know what a museum is and they think that we bring them to a church, zoo or a garden. It was the first step to know better your city that host you and want to be a part of it.
We have 4 educational session: Understanding Transatlantic Slavery, Liverpool home for home, Emigration, Liverpool Gateway to the world.

From all the group of children, Alice Radu (9 years) start to put a lot of questions about different topics that we spoke in the museum. She come from a family with 11 children. She is from a traditional Roma family but despite of this they understand that the education of their children is very important and all the children are in the school.
Alice receive a lot of good qualification in the school and we can see this also in our sessions from the museum. Was very interesting to hear that she say “From this moment Museum of Liverpool is my second home because I will come every day here to learn new thinks and to be able in my school to show that a Roma girl know many thinks about Liverpool and his history”. She really enjoyed with the group the museum workshops.
Was a good opportunity for the Roma children to bring them in another place outside from the school and the community. They behaved very nice and they come with a lot of new ideas how they can improve their knowledge's and to share all of the information with their parents. Alice tell us that she will come next time with her parents to the museum to show them what she learn and to be their guide.
With this beautiful thought we finish this sessions, that the children change the role with their parents and the children will show them the museum and all the things that they learn.
I would like to say a big personal thank-you to all the people who made these trips possible.
This includes:
- Staff at the museum;
- Bus company so that got as there;
- Volunteers that gave their time to make the trip possible and so enjoyable.

With this beautiful thought we finish this sessions, that the children change the role with their parents and the children will show them the museum and all the things that they learn.
I would like to say a big personal thank-you to all the people who made these trips possible.
This includes:
- Staff at the museum;
- Bus company so that got as there;
- Volunteers that gave their time to make the trip possible and so enjoyable.