22 June 2013

Civic Day : The State of the City

We joined the Merseyside Civic Society in celebrating 75 years since it was established this Civic Day, 22nd June 2013.

Civic Day is an annual national celebration of civic pride across England. It is a day when communities across the country say “we are proud of where we live.”

Celebrating 75 years of engagement, innovation and conservation efforts across the Liverpool city region, MCS held a day of discussions about the future of the changing face of the city. Focusing on natural reserves, buildings, health, society and the environment, the event asked what is Liverpool’s potential, what should we celebrate, what should we change, what are we already doing?

PLACED offered free drop-in creative activities throughout the day along with Liverpool John Moores University who gave local people of all ages the chance to share their thoughts on what makes Liverpool a good place to live and how it could be improved for local communities. The day also included displays by local societies, music and poetry readings from local artists including the Liverpool Shanty Kings.

The L8LS team were on hand to provide advice and information on our project.